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Two Simple Steps Can Turn Your Ideas into Product Reality!

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  • Post last modified:June 11, 2023


“A penny for your thoughts” was a saying that I grew up with. I know my thoughts are worth more than a penny and chances are, your thoughts are worth more than a penny as well. If I had understood the significance of this saying, maybe I would be rich. But it is not too late to understand how this saying can benefit you. If you have a great idea, take the time to write it down and bring it to us. We can help you develop an idea in two easy steps.

Step 1 – the patent

When developing an idea, it will take the experience of others. This is why so many good ideas never get developed – too many people don’t ask for help. With us, the first step is help getting a patent.

Let us help you through our patent referral program. This program is designed to help bring your idea to patent lawyers, file the patent applications and ensure that the legal work is all complete, including a search. A patent number or a patent pending protects your intellectual property (your thoughts and ideas) from others who may want to cash in on your ideas. During this process, you will need to understand how your idea works in full, and in the case of machines, you may will need drawings and demonstrate how it will work. This is the first part of how we develop an idea with you.

Step 2 – the design

Developing your idea begins on paper, but to get any attention the idea needs to stand out. Use our extensive design library; we have several in-house developed products and services to match the needs of our inventors. Our designers have over 25 years of experience and understand mechanics, electronics, and the material needs of each inventor. Develop an idea with the help of our design resources.

An online presence can help develop an idea

Most people have an online presence or digital footprint. As an inventor, an online presence can help get noticed. You may have great idea but that does not mean that you have the means to develop or market your idea. We can help create an online presence and brand to bring manufacturers to you. These are the people that have the materials, capital and ability to finish developing an idea and bring it to reality. Social media helps connect the inventor with manufacturers, investors and promotions.


We all have ideas. Take the time to develop an idea; bring it from scribbles on paper to a functioning product. We want to help. For more information about the services available to inventors to bring their thoughts on paper to a functioning part of society, click here.